May 07, 2007

This post is in answer to Anna's question. I thought I'd post it here just in case it would be of interest to anyone else too.

As I have mentioned in my previous posts, I find it too funny that people stumbled upon this blog by Googling for the "Oh S... Not You Again" doormat as shown on the stats screenshot below (please click onto the image for a larger version).

It also shows if you look at the referral URL as below:

It may reveal which company you are surfing from (when you surf from work that is) ... well, this depends on your company's internet service subscription. I have replaced the actual company's name with "ABCD" & the actual country of origin with "Krypton". I did so to respect the privacy of the individual.

Sometimes it is very interesting to see who surfed onto your site ... here's one example (please click for a larger version).

The above are just a few of the many features provided FREE by Below is a screen shot of the features.

Psst psst you can also tell when the good folks at PPP pays you a visit by reading the referrer URL (usually direct access to your PPP posts)


Sadish Bala for this amazing Template to work with


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