May 11, 2007

Originator of Tags?

Originator of Tags?
May 11, 2007

So who are the originator of those tags going around in Mommies' blogs? Sorry I am always curious who came up with them. I mean yes I know what tags are ... they've been around for a long time already ... I remembered doing them via emails (back then blogging was relatively very, very new and people were using Greymatter, other less popular blogging services and some even did them on static html pages).

I've observed and read some tags in the Mommies' blogs and I must say, the most recent one is interesting and at times funny, "How your hubby annoys U in 10 ways" or something along that title. Now this is what I'd call a quality tag. Hope to see more of these around.

Unfortunately some of you may already know, I am not able to accept/do tags yet due to time constraint and the fact that I am unsure if I will keep this blog as my main blog which I'd like to be linked or whether I will "move" somewhere else and start from Rank ZERO all over again. So for the time being, in order not to confuse anyone with which/what blog of mine to link, it's best I stay out of tagging for now. And I do agree, tagging is a creative way to get people linking to you and subsequently increase the chances of a higher page rank.

And many, many, many thanks to you sweeties who have tagged me with the kind intention of helping me increase my page rank and traffic. My apologies for being a rotten egg and not participating ... yet.

There are also many, many more mommy blogs links which I would like to place on my side bar but again, since I am undecided about this blog, I'm not going to do anything much for now. I do read other blogs but didn't make my presence felt - hope to change that soon.

As for my lil Bee's blog, that is purely an advert free blog. I have no intention of monetizing that blog or doing tags there because it will confuse my friends and family who are totally not into blogging. They'd probably go ... eh, what's all these?? They read Bee's blog but they don't leave comments (instead, still emailed me with comments ... duh .. and I thought that blog was supposed to eliminate the need for frequent emailing). However, they don't know about this G8G blog, hahaha.

And oh, Kiwi G rang the back neighbours after receiving their note and quote for the fence. The back fence will be up in about 2 week's time, yay!

Time to catch forty winks!


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