I know there are people who might be very interested in taking up Italian language courses in Italy. I would say, go for it. What better way than to learn and visit a beautiful country at the same time.

Just a random thought that's always been on my mind. Before I came to Australia, I was certainly brought up in a culture where being as pale as possible is considered fair. Tons of beauty creams from major brands alike such as Shiseido, Kanebo, etc (what's with Japanese wanting to look as white as snow?) claim to assist in skin lightening. I can understand if people with darker skin would like to have fairer skin but most Chinese people still aim for the white as snow skin tone. I remember many of my Chinese friends and colleagues would go to great lengths to shield themselves from the sun, even their arms. The sun is like an enemy to them. Can't blame them, adverts in mags, TV, everywhere in Asia seem to promote "pale skin is beautiful".
Well in a way, I am glad in this part of the world, Australia and in most part of Western countries, it is the exact opposite. The browner it is, the more beautiful and healthy looking you are. However, many would go to the extreme to get fake tans!
I am embarassed to say that I am on the pales side, not because I use any skin lightening cream (I don't even use any beauty cream, ack!) but because I haven't been doing much outdoor activities for yonks! Hopefully all that will change very soon!
I used to be very brown during my teenage years and I just went pale when I reached adulthood, I guess leaving the home early morning before the sun rise and getting home late evening after the sun set didn't give me a chance to soak up some sun.
Credit: Elegant, beautiful jewelry images Copyright (c) My Solitaire
Aiyaya, Daddy loves to do things at the last possible second! We are going out today and he wants to wash the car this morning of ALL days! I asked why does he want to tire himself out knowing that our day will be hectic and full? As usual, he would say "Why not?". Like the Chinese saying goes, "One only starts digging a hole when one needs to do a #2"! This habit of his irked me a lot in our early marriage days but I have learned to live with it. Many last minute things that he could have planned and did days ahead but I won't list them here for now ... give him some face first, haha!
Next to buy are two floor lamps to be placed at each corner near the side tables. We opted for floor lamps because if we place table lamps onto the side tables, there will not be much space left on the surface to place our junk.
Furthermore you will get an additional 10% discount when you purchase their Motor Insurance online. Now that is a big saving!
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There is nothing to lose, it is always best to look around for the best deal. Who could not do with an extra bit of saving and less hassle?
Removing shoes ... to remove or not? That is the question :)
Of course living in Asia, it is almost without question that we remove our shoes when entering a house, be it our own home or the home of others. But I still can't figure out, why, why, why, gwais and those not-gwais but with strong gwais culture, do not remove their shoes before entering into someone's home?
Some are nice, they ask if they should remove their shoes which we would not hesitate to say yes we would prefer so. But some don't even ask, they just step right in. I can understand if they're some delivery guy or tradesmen coming to fix something but friends woh.
Even Kiwi G's cousin (a doctor himself!!) at first didn't remove his boots when stepping into our home at first but later changed his mind and he very well knows that we have a baby who crawls on the floors.
So my big question is, why?? Is it so difficult to remove their shoes even if it's just for 5 minutes? Good thing we don't have carpets in the house!
We always insist on removing our shoes when we visit friends' homes but some of them (especially gwais) really INSIST that we leave them on (carpeted floors some more!) ... so how??? I feel aweful but when other people kept their shoes on, it would look weird if we kept ours off. So no choice, I kept them on and I felt guilty walking around their home but the hosts themselves also wear shoes inside their house.
WooHoo! Welcome to our "beautiful" home! Yup that's the current state of the lounge area, courtesy of Bee's creative handiwork. Am too lazy to pick the pieces of papers, magazines, flyers, etc up since they keep her occupied while I watch the news on TV and keeping an eye on her at the same time. But of course if we are expecting guests, I'll make sure the mess is gone in an instant, hehe.
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As winter is approaching in Australia, I recently bought some beautiful baby PJs from my all time favourite babywear label, GAP. I love BabyGAP because the material is so soft and comfy. It is great especially for sensitive skin like my little girl’s. Even my hubby approves! I am always on the lookout for new sweet and cute BabyGAP PJs such as the ones pictured here. Do not miss the great savings from coupon codes which you can use when shopping at GAP - not just on babywear but mens and womens clothings too.
Note: BabyGAP PJ photos copyright (c) GAP Inc.
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