March 23, 2007

Spider Nest

Spider Nest
March 23, 2007

Photos - WARNING ... not advisable to look if you've just eaten.

I think I have finally found the source of spiders in the rumpus area of our home. I saw two tiny black baby spiders running on the hood of the baby rocker that was placed near the rumpus window. Bee was holding on to it to pull herself standing like she does most of the time.

I took a tissue, killed them and flushed them down the toilet. As Bee was again playing with the rocker, I decided to check it thoroughly to ensure there are no more spiders! Lo and behold, I found a spider nest on the folds of the hood!!! Gross!!

I took the rocker into the garage and killed another baby spider running on it. I left the nest there until Kiwi G came home so that he could see for himself.

So far, I have not seen any spiders in the rumpus anymore. Not sure if I got rid of the source or maybe it just so happen that the spiders didn't come visiting yet!


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