Completed the left side fence of our house on 2nd May
This is Colorbond fencing.
Most houses use this kind of fencing with cream colour being the most common choice.

Thanks to all who complimented on Kiwi G's confinement lady role. The truth is, I doubt he has any idea what Chinese confinement means as he was brought up in a totally different culture where anything goes. Other than to be around me and baby 24/7 as well as having to do more work around the exterior of the house, I won't be expecting him to make me any herbal or "pou" or "jor yuit" food as both of us have no idea how to make any, hahaha.
Many friends back in KL asked why don't I employ a "jor yuit lady". Well, if I am rich enough to fly one from KL, hahaha for there is no such thing as "jor yuit lady" for hire here. For those who are unaware, there is also no such thing as Indo and Pinay maids for hire here too. I don't think the Aussie Govt issues work permit for foreign maids employment. That is why daycare centres are making a killing by charging AU$50-AU$100 per day for each child and that's only for day time. You drop them off in the morning and pick them up in the evening. I think this is the very reason why most medium to low income earner Moms here have no choice but to quit their jobs to care for their child especially if they have more than one. It is cheaper than sending them to daycare centres.
So there you go, Malaysians, count your blessings. You pay about RM400-RM800 a month, for a live in domestic helper who not only cooks and cleans but takes care of your child while you're at work too! RM400 - RM800 is only about AU$143 - AU$287 ... which can't even cover one week's daycare fees for one child over here! Seriously, if Indo and Pinay domestic helpers are available for hire here, say for AU$400 -AU$800 a month, I think most daycare centres would be out of business in no time and most families would not have to depend on a single income.
There you go again, the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. I haven't even touched on the subject of taxation yet ... if I explain how the tax system works here especially for medical, your savings in the bank, bank charges, etc, Malaysians would stop complaining I think, hehehe (don't be too naive to think that medical is really free).
Having said all these, it's just my point of view. You may see a totally different perspective from a rich Msian in Sydney.
Okay, off topic, now let's talk about my pregnancy cravings. Do I have any? Yes but sadly, as you all know, one can't get mee siam, makcik nasi lemak, mamak food, pan mee, claypot yee mee, etc, etc over here (I am a useless cook, like most Msians, I have never tried cooking until I got married). So it is totally pointless to have cravings, hahaha. I pity Kiwi G whenever he asked what I crave for, only to be told he would not be able to get the foods here. In a way, it's prolly a good thing for him too, else he might have to drive out middle of the night just to get me mamak food, haha. Unfortunately I am not a big fan of western food ... whenever I see potato, pies, roast chicken, meat and more meat, alamak, very sien lah! I am a "kuih muih, Malay, Indian, Msian Chinese, Mamak & Nyonya food" person. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I so wish I could just go to any kopitiam for breakfast then and there. Sigh ... here ... all you get are cafes offering you pies, sandwiches, breads, buns, croissants, etc. Dah Muak!!
My older brother at first suggested that I give birth in KL so that baby could enjoy dual citizenship. I've thought about that much earlier but dropped the idea as it is a bit complicated considering that I would really like baby to maintain its auto NZ PR status once baby is born an Aussie. If baby is born in KL, I'm not sure what dual citizenship baby would get, will it be Msian+Kiwi or Msian+Aussie? This is because Kiwi G is a Kiwi. If baby gets Msian+Kiwi citizenship, it'd be a hassle having to apply Aussie PR for baby and to keep renewing it every few years. Actually I'm not even sure if dual citizenship is granted for babies born in Malaysia, of non Malaysian fathers. Neither of us have any plans to give up our citizenships as we're not quite decided whether to live in Oz for good. Maintaining our own citizenships would allow us to easily kidnap each other to NZ or KL for long term under spouses visas. We're keeping our doors open for now ie Oz, NZ or KL. So once baby is born, we'll have quite an international family, a Kiwi Daddy, Msian Mommy and Aussie Baby.