March 23, 2006


We've been living in our own home since March 9. Much to do. Boxes unopened.

Little bubba is doing fine, it's one tough little bubba alright, hang in there bub, 2 ½ more months to go till we get to tickle you.

Finally made contact with an old friend I knew and went to school with since age 15. I'd been ingnoring her emails and letter for more than 6 months. Reason? Because she never bothered to keep in touch after all those years despite my efforts. The only times she'd contact me was when she needed help on something. This time I was curious and because she was persistent in emailing me for the past 6 months, I decided to ask why the sudden interest in contacting me. Well looks like she has migrated to Sydney since January this year and just wanted to touch base with me. She apologized profusely (which is nice) for the lack of contact over the years and cited "busy" as the reason. I don't like it when people tell me they'd been too busy to keep in touch even at least once a year by any mode, be it greeting cards, emails, phone, IM, etc. Do they think that people's lives revolve around them? C'mon, you're busy, I'm busy too. Everyone's got a life to live. Contacting me only when they needed some favours kinda puts me off.

Just two nights ago, another friend whom I have never heard from for more than 2 years suddenly asked for my home address. The motive? Hope to stay at our place when she stops by Sydney in a few month's ime.

Hmmm ....


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