My home workstation - uncensored, as is (messy table = busy person *LOL*)
Now, let's move on to a more exciting topic. The last time I had kuih siput (shell shaped cookies) was at age 6 (gee, that was a stone age ago!). Throughout the years I had forgotten about kuih siput's existence or the lack of it until recently. I searched the internet for kuih siput photos (to confirm that my memories of eating them weren't just a figment of my imagination ... you know when you crave for snacks, your mind starts playing tricks on you) but all I got were recipes. Fine, I thought I'd make them myself based on the internet recipes and the vague memory of what they looked like. Voila, not bad except if i remember correctly, the proper mould would create lines on the cookies as you roll them, which make them look like shells? Anyway, here's my version of it - look more like deep fried silk worms: