February 08, 2007

Losing Weight

Felt like a long time since I posted Bee's photos. Haven't been taking still pics, only videos. This post is not about Bee, it's about me :P

I've been trying to lose weight and so far so good. I ballooned up to 76kg just before Bee was born. Worse still, I was already overweight when I conceived ie 56kg. It means I put on a whopping 20kg during my pregnancy. Terror or not?? *Bows*

After delivering Bee, my weight automatically dropped 10kg! So I was 66kg after being discharged from the hospital. I didn't really work hard on dieting (still ate like a pig) ... the weight slowly dropped to 61kg and from there onwards, I started watching what I eat (try my best not to snack at night but still do now and then, hahaha). As a result of that, I dropped another 3kg.

Now I am 58kg ... still a lot more to lose. I'm a short person, whenever I hit over 50kg, I get high cholesterol. My healthy weight (according to Body Mass Index) would be around 40-45kg.

This explains why you don't see my pig face on this blog for such a long time, hahaha!


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