January 31, 2007

Thanks, blogger friends

Thanks Shannon, for tagging me with the 70 Questions Tag but I think no one would be interested to read about me, haha ... so please kindly pardon me for being a bad sport. Also, thanks Anna, for mentioning this blog in your recent Tag. I honestly did not expect anyone to have any interest in my blog as it is not popular that's for sure. So, thank you girls!

I think I have mentioned before that when I first started this blog, I really did not expect to have anyone visiting to read my boring entries. I remember clearly, MamaBok was the first person to put in a comment on my blog and of course, hers was the first parenting blog I've ever read! When I got pregnant, my interest in parenting blogs grew but I couldn't remember how I began blog hopping from one mommy's blog to another. Due to time constraint, I could only read several blogs (mostly listed on my side bar) at a time. It is so nice to know that there are people who read my blog out of genuine interest, regardless of popularity eventhough I had no intention of blogging for an audience.

There are actually so many things I would like to change about this blog (the layout especially, now that I blog mostly about Bee) but circumstances just doesn't permit me to do it at the moment. I've pondered many times if I should take blogging about my Bee seriously ie getting a webhost and domain but then again, it's not like I haven't got my hands full already.


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