Kiwi G has been so stressed out lately, mainly due to work and the probability of building our dream home. I won't go into detail until we have something more concrete. We've been running back and forth for the past month, viewing many properties, display homes and that piece of precious land. I just want to note that I am so very, extremely proud of how Kiwi G has been handling all the follow up pertaining to the dream home and all the effort he has put in. Thank you, sweetheart *muah*
April 27, 2005
Chasing the dream home
April 14, 2005
Kuih Moulds

I was surprised to find instant cake mix for Pandan Chiffon Cake last night but what really caught my eye is the brand name "PONDAN" ??? If you know what that word means, hehehe. Anyway, also bought the Goreng Pisang flour mix, can't wait to try them later ... when I feel thinner *LOL*

An updated photo of my work desk. You can see bits of my artwork here and there.

April 06, 2005
Kuih Muih
After lunching last Saturday, we bought some kuih muihs from the restaurant. Left to right: steamed taro cake (wu tow kou) AU$6.50; kuih dadar AU$5.50 for 5 pieces, and errr, sorry, what's left of the currypuff container AU$1.20 per currypuff with potato filling only.
I decided to try my hand at currypuff again, it's my best looking baked currypuff thus far ... but the potato and chicken filling wasn't very good, will strive to improve on that. I put too much curry powder in the filling, sweats streamed down Kiwi G's forehead each time he had one, a funny sight indeed.
April 02, 2005
Nothing much
It's the second month of Autumn now. Love the cooler temps. Have been a little busy. Nothing exciting happening = nothing much to blog about. I still find time to read my favourite blogs ... reading the blogs of others is so much more easier and interesting than writing my own.
Did the usual the past two weekends, checked out two suburbs, oggling and salivating over dream homes we'll never be able to afford. May the next rate hike bring upon the much awaited property price CRASH! *wishful thinking*
Two weeks ago, I made my very first sweet potato donuts coated with sugar (how healthy is that??). Turned out okay, I guess one can't really go wrong with anything fried.
Err, that's all for now. Gonna go get our weekly dose of good ole M'sian food at the next suburb. I'll be ordering Har Mee (available only on Saturdays) and Kiwi G never fails to eat the same thing ie Nasi Lemak.
Not sure what's on the agenda for the rest of the day, Kiwi G's plans are always spontaneous.
Wishing everyone a happy weekend :)