Looks like I finally dragged my big fat bum around to make a blog entry. Much to the annoyance of many people, I shall write a little about Valentine's Day. As Kiwi G is less mobile lately due to a hamstring injury suffered at the last cricket game, we stayed home on Feb 14th, our fourth Valentine's Day together. Kiwi G wanted to make me dinner to make up for the special things he would have done and got me on V-day had he not been injured, so I let him and I went about doing my stuff in the study. When dinner was ready, I walked out and awwww, sweet Kiwi G put a table on the balcony and had everything laid out. I was caught by surprise as I thought we would be eating in front of the TV as usual. I am very lazy to type on ... a picture paints a thousand words, so here they are:
A meal made with lots of love.
Mashed potato, mixed vegie, BBQ chicken from Red Lea and orange juice.
Sometime during last week, I managed to make pineapple tarts.
Not bad for a first timer, eh?
Meanwhile, since last week, Kiwi G and I have been such pigs. Every evening after dinner, we would walk over to Maccas to grab a burger, chicken nuggets and soft serve cones. I guess "Love is Pigging out together!" *Oink Oink*