We've been busy as a bee! Our house will be completed in a few weeks. We're looking at moving by end February (bye bye landlord!). Lots of things to arrange and coordinate such as phone, electricity & gas connection, lights, floor tiling + floating floors installation, insurance,etc which are just the tip of the iceberg. More vital things to be done after we moved in such as fencing, retaining walls, driveway, patio and lawn. Have to start packing already.
January 25, 2006
January 14, 2006
Updated layout - again??
Changed the blog layout yet again. My fingers sure are itchy. Updated the About Me, Pls don't tag me and Pls don't link me sections. When I am in the mood, I will play around with blogspot (challenging - as it is not exactly html friendly) with slightly different designs ... AGAIN, maybe, hehe. Kindly hit the refresh button on your browser if the updated sections show "Page not found" or "Access not permitted", thanks.
January 06, 2006
His & Hers PC

Yuppers, we each have our own separate PCs, a shared laptop (mostly used by Kiwi G) and a couple more spare PCs for guests. To avoid the hassle of having to pull cables all over the apartment when using the laptop to surf or access the other computers remotely outside of the study, Kiwi G has a wireless network set up.
When people sees our study, they'd usually ask, "what do you guys do??" Well, it's just how we like things to be. I for one, do not like to share my PC as I do all my work on it and am so used to filing things my way. The same goes with Kiwi G, he doesn't like his folders rearranged, etc. and uses his PC as a stress reliever (play games - Doom being his latest craze, read up on his tech things, maintain our private website, etc etc). However, we don't keep any secrets between us, on our PCs. I can access all folders, emails and files in Kiwi G's PC and likewise, Kiwi G is free to access mine anytime.
We just like the convenience :D
January 02, 2006
The New Year cometh!
New Year's Eve and New Year's Day have come and gone - boy, those two days were outrageously hot; weather wise. NYE temp was around 40+C and yesterday was 45C!! Fried! The thought of stepping out of the apartment or taking a drive was a big turn off, so we just stayed indoors, feeling lethargic. Thank goodness today's temp is a high of 25C, a far cry from yesterday's. My tip: Try not to visit Sydney between the months of end Spring and end Summer ie Nov - Feb, unless you enjoy the possibility of exploring the city under the scorching heat of high 30+C to 40+C.
Another year has passed, congratulations, everyone gets a promotion; at least age wise, hehe.